
Why Does Mauritania Require IPv6?

IPv6 provides an expansive address space and improved network performance, enabling the seamless proliferation of new technologies and services. Adopting IPv6 is of paramount importance for Mauritania, as it underpins the nation’s ability to stay competitive and connected in an increasingly digital world.

Message from the Minister

A text field with an addrerss from the Minister to the general public should be placed here.

Mohamed Abdallahi Louly,
Minister of Digital Transformation, Innovation
And Modernization for the Administration

This page should display a list of all the events, workshops and training planned for the year. It should display the event name, date, venue and registration link or contact information of the organizers.

National IPv6 Committee

This page should display the members of the National IPv6 Committee and their profiles.

Dr. Mohamed Lemine SALIHI
One or two lines of description.

Contact Us

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This page should have a catalogue of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).